Sunday, February 20, 2005


God save me if it is a disease, for I’ve been afflicted like never before. Transcending physical planes is such an aware experience. You cross from plains to mountains, seas to cities. There are roads that you know and the ones you don’t know, someone is always around to guide you. But when it’s a journey undertaken in the mind, the milestones are visible in retrospect. It does not stop at physical experiences. It touches nerves, flits into and out of people, places, living and the dead, psychotic and the sane. In the wanderlust of my mind, I’ve now been thro experiences desired and abhorred, I’ve been thro actions, dreams, aspirations, like, dislike, love, pain, longing and desire, beliefs, abilities (physically they almost seem impossible). In my wanderlust, addiction is the only possibility. In my wanderlust, am awake.