Monday, January 16, 2006

b(h)anged in Jaisalmer

Am a man hardly capable of conversations. Introductions or bumping into strangers generally begins and ends with a smile, which is why I surprised myself with the prolonged conversation I had at the bhang shop (govt. authorized) with 2 beautiful and young Canadian women, maria and renee. I had walked in to see both of them taking their seat.

As it transpired, all of us were children of the same poppy. Seeking our nirvana and seeking it in the desert. As each one of us got comfortable with the others presence and started our individual experiments, we got talking. It was during this conversation that I got a pulse on what I felt of jaisalmer.

Jaisalmer is what happens to you when you are a seeker. It is that kind of place. It’ll captivate you and hurl you right in the middle of a vortex you’ll not want to leave.

Even the uncomfortable journey from jodhpur in the govt roadways semi luxury bus couldn’t mask the portents of a coming spectre. Riding thro the night, on spine straight roads, stopping by the eerie nuclear stillness of the pokhran dark, jaisalmer dawned upon me at 5 AM.

(to be continued..)


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